Hope all of you are having a very lovely Thanksgiving holiday. I am missing my baby girl, especially since her daddy called me to let me know he was taking her to Urgent Care b/c she was cranky and I have been telling him all week it sounded like she had an ear infection (fever off and on, cranky, not sleeping as well). And, of course, I was right. So now she is on some antibiotics and I hope that she is on the mend by the time I get her back on Saturday. And I hope that her plane ride is okay. I can't believe that this is the second time in 2 months she has had an ear infection -- both since weaning her from breastfeeding. Could be coincidence, but I am not so sure. And, it isn't just daycare, b/c the first time she wasn't even in daycare yet.
Edmond did put up some pics for me to see from the day which I love. He did a good job picking a cute dress for her to wear.

I definitely know what I am thankful for this Thanksgiving: my baby girl, my mom, my sister, my brother, my sister-in-law and brother-in-law, nieces and nephews, good friends, a roof over my head (even if it is not the roof I hope to have since the house just will not sell), clothes on my back, food in my belly and the ability to Christmas shop like I have been this past week.
Have a blessed day and a good "Black Friday." Happy Shopping :)