Well, it has been over two weeks since we have been home. First we packed up and went to Nana's house for her big surgery. Her total knee replacement was a success. She is doing so well that she was able to come home today. Unfortunately, Katelyn was sick the ENTIRE time we were gone. She had the cold mentioned in the last post complete with congestion/runny nose, cough, decreased appetite and loose stools. Then just when she seemed to be on the mend, she spiked a fever to 104 and I had to take her to the doctor. Turns out she had an ear infection. And boy was she ever cranky... it was colic revisited. All she wanted to do was be held and cuddle on the couch watching "stories" on the "cc" (tv). So we watched a ton of Barney, Bear in the Big Blue House, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Vegie Tales as well as quite a few Disney movies. And to top it off she fell in the shower and got a huge bruise on her forehead and a little one on her cheek. All the while I was trying to get my mom's house cleaned up and in order for her to come back home... and I had the dog to take care of. She followed me around everywhere I went... I about tripped over her 17 times. And to top things off, Edmond ended up getting Rota Virus... so instead of babysitting for me, he was stuck in bed all weekend. I only got to see my mom for about 30 minutes at a time instead of a few hours a day as I had planned. All in all, it was not the trip I had planned on. Of course I suppose they never are exactly. Such is life.
But on the positive side, my mom is doing great and is back at home with plenty of close friends and my brother/sister in law and nieces to take care of her. Katelyn is started to feel much better, although still clingy and not quite back to herself. And yesterday I finally got some good news about my license, so I should be able to start working by the end of the month. Just in time, since I am about to be broke. Now if only this house would sell.
I am happy to be home. Although it was wonderful to experience some of the autumn I miss so much. I plan on taking Katelyn up to Williamsburg to see my sister -- we are going to take her to the pumpkin patch. We might even make it to Hallo-scream at Busch Gardens (where my brother in law works).
I will leave you with a pic of my little bug's first pigtails (they lasted about 2 hours before her hair fell back into a million curls, but it was sweet while it lasted).